Gospel Questions: What If I Want to Leave the Church?

Of course it saddens us greatly when a member of the Church decides they don’t want to be a member any more. We believe that the source of true happiness is from having a close relationship with our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. We believe that our religion most closely mirrors the Church as originally set up by Jesus Christ Himself while He was on the earth. When someone decides to separate themselves from the Church, we sorrow at all they might be missing. However, we do not force them to remain a member. I have heard stories … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Who Are the Elect?

As we discussed the blessings that the elect will receive during the Second Coming yesterday, I began to apply these scriptures to my life. I asked myself, how can I be sure that I am one of the elect who receive these blessings? Which led me to ask, just who are the elect? Since I like to do my research the quick and easy way, I turned to the Bible Dictionary. It defines election as “a theological term primarily denoting God’s choice of the house of Israel to be the covenant people with privileges and responsibilities, that they might be … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Seeking Out the Lost

Luke 15 focuses on three parables of lost items that were reclaimed. In each case, the finder rejoiced exceedingly at relocating their treasure, be it lamb, coin, or child. Every year, stories of those who are physically top the news. The one that stands out most recently was of the family who became lost in a blizzard; the wife and children were saved but the husband, who left the car to seek help, was lost. Hikers, children, and older folks with memory troubles are similarly sought after with great effort, and the nation rejoices when they are found or mourns … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Wandering Through the World

As disciples of Christ, we must seek to put Him and His kingdom first. This becomes clear as we study Matthew 6:22-23 and 7:13-14. In the first section, we are told to keep our eye single to the glory of God, and in the section we are reminded of the narrow gate and the strait path we must follow to return to His presence. It becomes clear as we study these four verses that the presence of God is not something we can just “wander” into. First, let’s look at the verses in chapter 6. Make sure you take note … Continue reading

Parables in the Book of Mormon

The question has been asked repeatedly: what are the battle scenes in the Book of Mormon for? I have heard a variety of answers, but somehow the one that most surfaces seems to be that one day, we, too, may engage in a battle and need to use some of these strategies. While I won’t totally dismiss that, I think so many people just plain look those scenes for what I really believe them to be: allegories and parables. I truly believe that most if not all of those scenes can be applied to our lives, if we would just … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: May 6- May 12

Gospel Doctrine In Seeking Out the Lost, we talked about our responsibility to help those who have lost their way spiritually. In Brought Back Into the Fold, we discussed the reason for such a celebration when the lost sheep come back to join us at church. Miscellaneous Articles Monday, May 7th: In Asking For Help, we talked about asking our ward families for assistance. In Home & Visiting Teaching Lessons, we learned about choosing the right Conference talk for the folks we visit. In General Conference: “Ye Must Be Born Again”, we were taught the Parable of the Pickle. And … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Why Does God Let Tragedies Happen?

After my daughter started crawling, I had to resist the urge to rescue her all the time. This proved significantly harder with her than with the other two because she was the first. When she slipped, when she fell, when she strained for something just out of reach, my maternal instincts screamed for me to rush to her aid. Over and over again, I repeated to myself that she needed these slipups, these errors, these trials to grow and develop. After all, if I held her hand every step of the way, she would never learn to walk on her … Continue reading